The book Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller spent 43 weeks on the New York TimesBest Seller list and has sold over 1.5 million copies to date. The movie isbased on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name. In Blue Like Jazz, Don (Marhall Allman), a piousnineteen-year-old sophomore at a Texas junior college, impulsivelydecides to escape his evangelical upbringing for life in the PacificNorthwest at one ofthe most progressive campuses in America, ReedCollege in Portland. Upon arrival, Reed’s surroundings and eccentricstudent body proves to be far different than he could possibly imaginefrom the environment from which he came, forcing him to embark on ajourney of self-discovery to understand who he is and what he trulybelieves. The film boasts a cast of rising stars including Marshall Allman (True Blood), Claire Holt (The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars), and Tania Raymonde (Lost).
Blue Like Jazz
Blue Like Jazz Release Date: April 13, 2012