From Joe Dante, director of 80s classics “Gremlins” and “Explorers,” comes a family friendly 3D thriller that ‘explores’ the fears and secrets buried deep withing the human mind. Life couldn’t possibly get worse, or so thought 17 year old Dane and his 10 year old brother Lucas, when their single mother uproots them from NYC to a sleepy little town in the boondocks. For Dane the only exciting thing about their new town is the beautiful girl next door, Julie. With Susan spending more and more time at work, Dane and Lucas are left unattended to explore the depths of their eerie new residence. With Dane paying more attention to Julie, he has far less time for Lucas. Buth then, everything changes when they find a sinister black hole under a locked trap door in their basement. As the brothers experiment with the hole they realize that the cold pit goes on forever. They drop a penny and never hear it hit the bottom. They lower a flashlight and witness it get consumed by the darkness. Hoping for some answers about the house’s past, Dane and Lucas bring Julie in on their new discovery. When the hole is exposed, evil is unleashed. With strange shadows lurking around every corner and past nightmares coming to life, the trio will have to come face to face with their darkest fears to put an end to the hole.
The Hole
The Hole Release Date: September 28, 2012