Gloria 2015

Gloria 2015 Release Date: April 24, 2015

Gloria, or we’ll call this movie Gloria 2015, is one of a handful of movies to come to theaters since 1980 with the title Gloria that have nothing in common with each other.

Gloria de los Ángeles Treviño Ruiz is a young Mexican girl who wants nothing more than to be a famous singer, and to so she becomes Gloria Trevi, a rebellious, unapologetic, outspoken, over sexual controversial singer/songwriter. With the help of her manager, Sergio Andrade, in a short period of time she becomes a success in Mexico and Latin America. With her over sexual dressing style, catchy songs and irreverence she soon becomes a mega-icon.

But the man who helps her rise to the top of the charts will also become her downfall, Sergio Andrade is fond of sleeping with underage girls and he is physically abusive towards them. Gloria and Sergio go touring with an entourage of under age girls whom he sleeps with, but when a book is written by an angry and abused ex-wife of his they hide from the public view. And when the mother of one of the minors they travel with files a complaint in Mexico of kidnapping against them, they fly to Brazil knowing that Interpol is determined to find the “Trevi-Andrade Clan”.

They are eventually found and put in prison in Brazil where Gloria remains ever faithful to Sergio until a life searching experience will make her decide to remain faithful to him or be extradited to Mexico and face the multiple charges of kidnapping, corruption and sexual abuse of minors.

Watch the Gloria 2015 trailer.

Gloria 2015 Trailer

Starring: Sofía Espinosa,Osvaldo Ríos,Marco Pérez,Ricardo Kleinbaum,Paula Serrano,Magali Boysselle,Estefania Villarreal,Moises Arizmendi,Estrella Solís,Tatiana del Real,Ximena Romo,Julian Sedgwick,Arturo Vázquez,Alicia Jaziz,Miriam Calderón,Roberto Uscanga,Pepe Olivares,Vita Vargas,Marcia Coutiño,Katharine de Senne,Alejandra Zaid,Andrea Bentley,Augusto Salas,Pedro Mira,Alberto Lomnitz,Marisa Rubio,Axel Uriegas Duarte,Luis Fernando Zarate,Iliana Donatlán,Karla Rodriguez
Genres: BiographyDramaMusic
Directed By: Christian Keller
Runtime: 127 minutes
Studio: Picturehouse
MPAA Rating R